Dead of Winter - The Long Night - Gaming Library
Dead of Winter - The Long Night - Gaming Library
    Dead of Winter - The Long Night - Gaming Library
Dead of Winter - The Long Night - Gaming Library

About The Item

The Game Description

Dead of Winter - The Long Night is a stand-alone board game as well as an expansion for Dead of Winter. Players will be delighted to obtain more of everything that made Dead of Winter an epic struggle for power and survival. Additionally players will experience a new colony full of new survivors and some new gameplay elements, each of which is introduced to players through its own game scenario. Fight off bandits from another colony, build improvements to your colony, watch locations evolve as the results of Crossroads cards, and most intriguingly unravel the mysteries of the new Raxxon pharmaceutical location. It is full of powerful items, but also full of Raxxon’s twisted human experiments that show up in the game as disturbing new enemies.

Recommended 353 Standard card sleeves.
The Game Description

Dead of Winter - The Long Night is a stand-alone board game as well as an expansion for Dead of Winter. Players will be delighted to obtain more of everything that made Dead of Winter an epic struggle for power and survival. Additionally players will experience a new colony full of new survivors and some new gameplay elements, each of which is introduced to players through its own game scenario. Fight off bandits from another colony, build improvements to your colony, watch locations evolve as the results of Crossroads cards, and most intriguingly unravel the mysteries of the new Raxxon pharmaceutical location. It is full of powerful items, but also full of Raxxon’s twisted human experiments that show up in the game as disturbing new enemies.

Recommended 353 Standard card sleeves.
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Dead of Winter - The Long Night

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