Red Flags Nerdier Red Flags - Gaming Library
    Red Flags Nerdier Red Flags - Gaming Library
Red Flags Nerdier Red Flags - Gaming Library
Red Flags Nerdier Red Flags - Gaming Library
    Red Flags Nerdier Red Flags - Gaming Library
Red Flags Nerdier Red Flags - Gaming Library

About The Item

The Game Description

Nerdier Red Flags is an expansion to Red Flags that adds even more nerdy goodness to your terrible dating prospects. Now your date might own a penthouse apartment in Wakanda, but they'll only sleep with you after they polymorph you into a sheep.

We wish you luck in the dates to come!

The Game Description

Nerdier Red Flags is an expansion to Red Flags that adds even more nerdy goodness to your terrible dating prospects. Now your date might own a penthouse apartment in Wakanda, but they'll only sleep with you after they polymorph you into a sheep.

We wish you luck in the dates to come!

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Red Flags Nerdier Red Flags

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