Nemesis - Gaming Library
Nemesis - Gaming Library
    Nemesis - Gaming Library
    Nemesis - Gaming Library
Nemesis - Gaming Library
Nemesis - Gaming Library
Nemesis - Gaming Library
Nemesis - Gaming Library
    Nemesis - Gaming Library
    Nemesis - Gaming Library
Nemesis - Gaming Library
Nemesis - Gaming Library

About The Item

The Game Description

Nemesis is a 1-5 player survival sci-fi game where players are woken up from hibernation as a crew of a space ship. The emergency procedure states that there is a critical system failure and the space ship can't continue its cruise. The goal of the crew is to find what is causing this failure and fix the situation to safely return back to Earth. The main problem is that one crew member is dead. Somebody crashed his hibernation chamber and pulled his body out. In addition, if you listen closely, some additional noises and sounds can be heard. New ones, strange ones, ones that were never heard before…

Nemesis is a cooperation game combined with bluffing, backstabbing, and other elements of a science-fiction survival horror adventure.

The Game Description

Nemesis is a 1-5 player survival sci-fi game where players are woken up from hibernation as a crew of a space ship. The emergency procedure states that there is a critical system failure and the space ship can't continue its cruise. The goal of the crew is to find what is causing this failure and fix the situation to safely return back to Earth. The main problem is that one crew member is dead. Somebody crashed his hibernation chamber and pulled his body out. In addition, if you listen closely, some additional noises and sounds can be heard. New ones, strange ones, ones that were never heard before…

Nemesis is a cooperation game combined with bluffing, backstabbing, and other elements of a science-fiction survival horror adventure.

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