KeyForge Age of Ascension Deck Pack - Gaming Library
KeyForge Age of Ascension Deck Pack - Gaming Library
    KeyForge Age of Ascension Deck Pack - Gaming Library
KeyForge Age of Ascension Deck Pack - Gaming Library

About The Item

The Game Description

Become a new Archon in Age of Ascension! As a new set of KeyForgeAge of Ascension mixes up the cardpool with 204 brand-new cards, joining 166 cards first introduced in Call of the Archons to create an entirely new pool of 370 cards and billions upon billions more Unique Decks for you to discover, learn, and master.

Importantly, Age of Ascension is a companion to Call of the Archons, not a replacement or a sequel! You don't need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Age of Ascension, and you don't need to switch to Age of Ascension Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Archon Decks from each set are equally matched against one another, which makes Age of Ascension an invitation to embrace even more of the spirit of exploration and discovery that makes KeyForge unique.

The Game Description

Become a new Archon in Age of Ascension! As a new set of KeyForgeAge of Ascension mixes up the cardpool with 204 brand-new cards, joining 166 cards first introduced in Call of the Archons to create an entirely new pool of 370 cards and billions upon billions more Unique Decks for you to discover, learn, and master.

Importantly, Age of Ascension is a companion to Call of the Archons, not a replacement or a sequel! You don't need to start with Call of the Archons in order to reach Age of Ascension, and you don't need to switch to Age of Ascension Archon Decks in order to remain competitive. Archon Decks from each set are equally matched against one another, which makes Age of Ascension an invitation to embrace even more of the spirit of exploration and discovery that makes KeyForge unique.

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KeyForge Age of Ascension Deck Pack

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