Help me Princess - Gaming Library
Help me Princess - Gaming Library
    Help me Princess - Gaming Library
Help me Princess - Gaming Library

About The Item

The Game Description

Rescue the princess of the candy kingdom from the demon king!

One person plays the role of the demon king, and the rest play the role of the rescuer.
If the rescuer opens a circle, they can get a princess card.
A cross means they have failed.
You can ask the demon king questions, but the demon king is allowed to lie, so
you'll have to bargain and read each other's minds.
Don't be fooled by the cute illustrations!
This is a serious bluff game!

English manual download:

  • Number of players: 3-5
  • Age range: 6 years old to adults
  • Card size: 89mm x 63 36 cards
  • Time required: 10-15 minutes
  • Game design: H1R0
  • Illustration: Meka no Factory
The Game Description

Rescue the princess of the candy kingdom from the demon king!

One person plays the role of the demon king, and the rest play the role of the rescuer.
If the rescuer opens a circle, they can get a princess card.
A cross means they have failed.
You can ask the demon king questions, but the demon king is allowed to lie, so
you'll have to bargain and read each other's minds.
Don't be fooled by the cute illustrations!
This is a serious bluff game!

English manual download:

  • Number of players: 3-5
  • Age range: 6 years old to adults
  • Card size: 89mm x 63 36 cards
  • Time required: 10-15 minutes
  • Game design: H1R0
  • Illustration: Meka no Factory
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Help me Princess

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