Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
    Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
    Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
    Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
    Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library
Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves - Gaming Library

About The Item

The Game Description

Each year, thousands of tourists flock to the “Ancient Groves” in Africa to see ancient and beautiful settings, artifacts, and places of worship. Vacations turn to nightmare when the masked killer, Inkanyamba - The Avenger arrives to exact revenge on behalf of the gods in Slaughter In The Groves.

***IMPORTANT!*** This Feature Film box is not playable by itself and requires you to also own the Core Box.

The Game Description

Each year, thousands of tourists flock to the “Ancient Groves” in Africa to see ancient and beautiful settings, artifacts, and places of worship. Vacations turn to nightmare when the masked killer, Inkanyamba - The Avenger arrives to exact revenge on behalf of the gods in Slaughter In The Groves.

***IMPORTANT!*** This Feature Film box is not playable by itself and requires you to also own the Core Box.

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Final Girl: Slaughter in the Groves

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