GL Unmatched League Tournament Rules

July 25, 2024
GL Unmatched League Tournament Rules - Gaming Library
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GL Unmatched League Tournament Rules 


Gaming Library is a community of gamers united by shared passion. We celebrate friendly competition, sportsmanship, and the joy of gaming. Please treat all players with respect and remember, the judges' call is final.


Alter Ego (Shangri-la Plaza)


Greenbelt 5





Saturday, August 10 and September 7

11 AM at Greenbelt 5, Alter Ego, and SM North




Players must register before the first game at the cashier from 11 AM to 1150 AM. Table assignments will be drawn randomly at 1200NN and will be posted at the registration booth. You must then proceed to your assigned table where a Judge will confirm your presence via roll call. Absence in the assigned table during roll call will mean an automatic loss.



11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

Tournament Briefing and Registration

12:00 NN - 12:40 PM

Match 1

1:00 PM - 1:40 PM

Match 2

2:00 PM - 2:40 PM

Match 3

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

1 hour break

4:00 PM - 4:40 PM

Match 4

5:00 PM - 5:40 PM

Match 5

6:00 PM  - 6:40 PM

Match 6

7:00 PM - 7:40 PM

Match 7

7:40 PM

Awarding and Photos

*The schedule is subject to change as matches may finish earlier than anticipated.


The tournament follows the official rules, which are found in the Unmatched Core Rulebook and Unmatched Special Rules (Version 6.0 from BGG). Gaming Library rulesets are in effect for this tournament. Before the tournament begins, Gaming Library will publish a bracket on Challonge (sample), showing the route to the final. On arrival, players register and have their roster recorded. Players must bring Five (5) different official playable fighters. (Slings and Arrows, Elektra, Sherlock, and Doctor Strange are banned) Note: Slings and Arrows will be allowed on September 7.


The Unmatched League will be divided into two Qualifying Rounds (once a month) and be conducted in 3 of our stores: GL SM North, Alter Ego Shangri-la EDSA, and Greenbelt 5.

  1. Every Qualifying Round will be played through a Modified Round-Robin. Their total number of wins will be counted and recorded in this Google Sheet.
  2. All participants will play 7 matches and be paired against other players randomly. If a Qualifying Round has less than 9 players, they will still play 7 matches but might be paired with a player multiple times.

The leaderboard will be posted on Facebook and in stores. After two Qualifying Rounds, Gaming Library will award the Prizes and the top 4 will be awarded prizes and  Guaranteed seats for the upcoming All aBOARD EXPO 2024 Unmatched Tournament!


  1. Players will bring and declare five different characters at the start of the tournament.
  2. The following fighters are BANNED:
  • Unmatched: Slings and Arrows
  • Elektra
  • Sherlock
  • Doctor Strange
  1. The following maps are BANNED:
  • Yukon
  • King Solomon’s Mine


Match Set-up

A map is randomly selected for the match. It is revealed. Players will then proceed to the drafting phase: Players will flip a coin. The winning player MUST go first. Both players will lay their 5 characters on the table. Then the banning and picking start in this order:

  1. The first player bans 1 character from their opponent. 
  2. The second player bans 2.
  3. The first player bans 2.
  4. The second player bans 1.
  5. They will choose the fighter they want to use with the two remaining fighters from the draft.

Match Rules

  1. Players may take a single full mulligan by shuffling their hand back into their deck and drawing 5 new cards. 
  2. The following information is public knowledge and cannot be hidden. 
    1. Deck count;
    2. Cards in the discard pile (Discard layouts are optional);
    3. and number of cards in hand. 
  3. Players must call for a referee if rules are broken at a table. The referee’s ruling is final. If a rule is broken and players do not report it immediately, this is considered “normal” play and its effect on the final game results must be accepted.

Time Limit

  1. Each match is 40 minutes.
  2. Players are only allotted Bronstein 5 minutes - 1 minute extra time to play out their entire turn
  3. The official timer will be and can be set by one of the players.
  4. Pause the timer during combat interactions and card resolutions that include the opponent’s decisions (ex: 3 wishes discard, Kinshasa Directive)
  5. Players are encouraged not to abuse this pause time, and try to keep thinking during this time around 30 seconds max. Penalties may be dished out for players found to be consistently stalling for time. (See Sportsmanship Disqualifications)
  6. For rule clarifications, a player’s timer will be paused but the overall match time limit will continue.
  7. If a player exceeds their allotted turn time, they end their turn and are forced to maneuver in place for their remaining actions (and discard random cards from their hand if they overdraw). The offending player is now in overtime. 

Overtime: Call a judge, and take note of the offender and the other player’s final time. Offender will play only the delay time, with one second on their clock. The other player maintains the current time. 

  1. If a match exceeds 40 minutes, complete the current round so that each player has played the same number of turns. Then Sudden Death is declared. Players are now only allotted Bronstein 1 minute. Players will now be allowed to take 5 additional turns only. After 5 turns, the match is over.
  2. In sudden death, players who overtime immediately lose.

There are no breaks during or in between the matches. Players are advised to take their breaks before the start of the tournament and after the 3rd match as scheduled.

General Conditions:

By participating in this tournament, you automatically subject yourself to the listed rules and regulations

throughout this entire document. 

The organizers reserve the right to cancel or modify the tournament if fraud, technical failures, or any other factor beyond their reasonable control impairs the integrity of the Tournament, as determined by the Organizers in their sole discretion.

The organizers reserve the right in their sole discretion to disqualify any individual they find to be cheating, tampering with the entry process or the operation of the tournament, acting in violation of these official rules or any other promotion, or behaving in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner.

Repeated incidents can be called out individually even if previous incidents not judged by a referee were deemed as “normal.”

The recording of information through note-taking or any other physical method is prohibited.

No competitor in the tournament may bring personal notes, strategy guides, player aids, or any form of “cheat sheet” 

into the tournament. Taking photos by participants is allowed before the start of the match and after the match. 

Coaching is not allowed.



Players are expected to be punctual to the tournament. Rulings on punctuality are strictly enforced by the tournament organizers.

Players have a grace period of 10 minutes to arrive at their table after matchup announcements have been made. At the 8-minute mark, judges will assist the present player in a simulated draft. After the grace period expires, the present player must inform a judge to begin the match. 



  1. During the Pick phase, Randomly ban 3. During the Assignment phase, randomly pick 1. 
  2. Judge will draw 5 on behalf of the opponent. Proceed as usual with the absent player’s clock running during their turn. Absent players must approach a judge or Gaming Library staff the moment they arrive at the venue. 
    1. If the absent player’s timer expires before they arrive, they are disqualified. 
    2. If the absent player arrives before their timer expires, pause their timer for a maximum of 3 minutes for set up and strategizing. 


If players feel that the outcome of a game is unfair due to broken rules or illegal play, they must immediately inform a referee. Once the game record sheet has been signed, further protest is not permitted and the results cannot be further altered.

The Head Judges’ ruling is final.


Attendees are expected to behave in both a legal and civil manner at all times.

We do not tolerate harassment of any kind, including intimidation or threats, inappropriate disruption of events, hurtful language, physical assault of any type, inappropriate physical contact, unwanted sexual attention, unwanted photography or video recording, bullying, stalking, or following. Especially in connection to race or ethnicity, national origin, gender identity or presentation, sex or sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, citizenship status, medical condition, or pregnancy.

If you experience or witness any form of harassment, please contact an Organizer or Referee If you are asked to stop any harassing behavior as listed above, STOP immediately.

Players colluding strictly in service to advance mutual positions in the game is a justification for disqualification. 

Players found guilty of collusion will be warned and possibly subject to immediate disqualification.

Abusing mechanics made in “good faith” such as pause times, are not in line with the values of sportsmanship expected of attendees and can unnecessarily slow down the tournament and ruin the experience of other attendees. Players found consistently violating these good faith mechanics will be immediately disqualified. 

Referees can disqualify players from the tournament if the game rules are broken on purpose or if a player has violated the Code of Conduct. These circumstances include but are not limited to: players breaking the rules to win the game, players engaging in abusive play, and intentionally causing or promoting another player to win. 



Except where prohibited, participation in the tournament event constitutes consent to the Sponsor's use of the participant's name, likeness, voice, opinions, hometown, and country for promotional purposes in any media without further payment or consideration. 

These images and videos may appear in any form of marketing material and social media posts which may be found inside or outside the official Gaming Library website.

Take-down requests can be sent to:

Data Privacy

The Organizers collect personal information from you when you enter the Tournament. The information collected is subject to the Privacy Policy

Republic Act No. 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act aims to protect personal data in information and communications systems. The Organizers will not be using your information outside of this event; and will not be shared with anyone except the Organizers.


In the event of a tie, the ratio of remaining health points (hero only) to initial health points will determine the rank.


Arena Champion: Acrylic Sidekicks Pack 2

Participation Prize: Foil Cards


1st place: Brand New Unmatched: Dr. Sattler vs. T. Rex
2nd place: Brand New Unmatched: Tales to Amaze
3rd- 4th place: Loot Prints Match Box for Unmatched Black

The top 4 players will also be given a Guaranteed FINALS Slot for Unmatched Nationals’24

Lastly, good luck and have fun!

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